GHC - General Hotels Corporation
GHC stands for General Hotels Corporation
Here you will find, what does GHC stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate General Hotels Corporation? General Hotels Corporation can be abbreviated as GHC What does GHC stand for? GHC stands for General Hotels Corporation. What does General Hotels Corporation mean?The United States based company is located in Indianapolis, Indiana engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of GHC
- Ghanian Cedi
- Give Hanson A Chance
- Geography History And Cultures
- Global Honored Champion
- Great Harbour Cay, Bahamas
- Glycinated Herbal Complex
- Global Health Corps
- Georgia Highlands College
View 119 other definitions of GHC on the main acronym page
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- GPR Getz Pharma Research
- GTG Gray Talent Group
- GEMB GE Money Bank
- GSMS Gulf South Medical Supply
- GDH The Guymon Daily Herald
- GEG Greenwich Education Group
- GCAS Gram Commercial A/S
- GRMC Great River Medical Center
- GAC Great American Custom
- GCMHS Griffin Centre Mental Health Services
- GTI Genie Technologies Inc.
- GNM Grizzly New Marketing
- GSHCS Good Shepherd Health Care System
- GRS Gamers Retail Stores
- GCL Grand Cereals Limited